Article from
NEWS ME MY LIFE - 14/10/22
Patricia thinks about you all the time.
October 14th marks the occasion for a whole host of things that I could mention in this newsletter, which is the envy of the Taiwanese. I could say that in 1964, Martin Luther King won the Nobel Peace Prize. That in 1947 the first supersonic flight in history took place over California. Or that in 1670 The Bourgeois Gentleman was premiered in the presence of Louis XIV.
I could have dazzled you with a whole bunch of clever tricks. But what I really want you to know is that on October 14th 1996 an irresistible single was released. A powerhouse hit. A musical tour de force. An extraordinary performance. I'm talking, of course, about Say You'll be There by the Spice Girls.
The Spice Girls are life. At least, it's my life. How many mirrors have I smashed while practising like a madwoman in front of them? How many hairbrushes have I broken while miming the singing of these divine beauties who enchanted my sordid evenings at home while my parents were arguing? So all I can do is encourage you to turn up the volume and give it your all on this sonic gem.