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Patricia really wants you.
It's already been a month since spring settled into our lives, and I miss it because I can already see it tiptoeing away. A bit like a one-night stand that's too good to be true and goes off like a shot in the morning, while I'm crushing like a straw mattress after swallowing too many frozen margaritas. And whose fault is that ?
Well, the fault of the guy I brought home. Because I didn't have enough courage to take him by the hand, go up to him and declare my love for him. I had to get drunk in order to face up to his beauty and the physical difference I felt existed between us. Do you think at any point during the evening he came up to me and told me to take it easy ? To calm down, to breathe ? Not at all.
On the contrary, he pushed the pedal to my emotions, promising me hours of ecstasy. Happy with my eventual catch, I ordered a flurry of cocktails, all paid for by myself. Because, in addition to being a bit of a jerk, he was totally broke. But what about the red flags ? Didn't they fly over your head the whole time ? Of course, but I'm repeating myself, it's springtime and I was all cheery. I was so happy to finally meet a Tinder date who matched my photo. The guy didn't need to cheat, he was so cute (and crunchy, but I won't know that until later in the night). I was so excited to be walking around on the arm of such a handsome man that I ordered vodka tabasco shots, topped up with a dash of absinthe so the whole thing would catch fire before absorption.