Patchanka - Black
Pumps 4.5 cm heel
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At a time when I drank beer from the neck, or directly from the tap by standing right under it, I listened to a lot of so-called alternative music. Not to go into too much detail, you know ?
Let's just say I listened to La Souris Déglinguée, Les Nonnes Troppo, Jean-Pierre François, Les Wampas and Mano Negra. So I can see where you're coming from: La Mano is not one of those other emblematic groups of a now-decimated French scene. You may be right, but I don't make the distinction.
When an electric guitar starts spitting out sounds, I immediately start banging away. And it doesn't matter what the band is like, or who's around them, or what the weather's like, or where I am. For example, I've woken up in the middle of maths class because a mate handed me his Sony Walkman headphones with the orange earpieces. And that was that, because I didn't know the Mano then.
And because I was so feisty, a bit like that Mustang gambolling across the Colorado plains, I started moving my body to the Mano's Patchanka album. I couldn't help it, I had to go along with this rhythm, these riffs, and let my maths teacher know it, as she stared at me in amazement through her triple-rimmed glasses, wanting to do what I was doing. She never admitted it to me, but I'm sure at the time she would have dreamed of taking this liberty, of running into the tables, making my classmates' sheets and binders twirl. Instead, she sent me to the principal's office to collect my 3-day suspension and a few hours of detention.
This feat of arms stuck with me right up to the end of my schooling, because even though social networks didn't exist then, the word was out, and I was that young punkette who went wild over Patchanka, the Mano's first album, whose Compact Disc I scratched off by wearing it out against the laser of my player.
Because yes, I had a turntable. I even had a mixer with which I made some amazingly talented and audacious mixtapes. I also had a beautiful Marantz equalizer. I never knew how to adjust it, but I thought it sounded great at night, when its green levels modulated.
I was a fan of La Mano and knew all of Patchanka's lyrics. So it was only natural that I should name this cute model, with its pretty bow that dresses the foot like no other. Behind its apparent cuteness, Patchanka hides an assertive character, steeped in the inkwell of sisterhood.
Now that you're fully aware of the full potential of this wonderful model, I invite you to give it to yourself or to the person you love most in the world, and make their life a perpetual fairy tale.